
在自行车旁边, two-wheeled electric scooters can easily be considered one of the most popular ways to get around town. Across the globe, over 6 million scooters hit the streets every day. From high-tech countries like China and Japan to the most remote third-world countries, the scooter is a practical way to get somewhere quickly, 安全, 和实惠.

scooter-safetyThe scooter craze has even made headway in the United States as Millennials enter the workforce and the economy twists and turns. 许多 Americans find themselves drawn to the affordability of scooters in addition to their nostalgic appeal. 长期以来一直被誉为时尚和迷人的骑行, it’s now considered a smart investment given rising fuel costs and an environmentally conscious community. 今天你会发现 出售滑板车 on almost every car or motorcycle lot in the city.


Scooters require some extra safety precautions. Riding a scooter isn’t as simple as hopping on a bicycle, and beginners may find it more challenging than they’d think. There are specific rules and techniques for enjoying your ride while maximizing your security on the road. If you’ve made up your mind to join the scooter craze, it’s time to make the purchase and learn how to ride.

Here are five scooter safety tips and tricks for staying safe (and stylish) on the road.

#1. 选择合适尺寸的滑板车.

One of the first scooter safety tips is to make sure you pick a scooter that lends itself to your body shape and size as well as your personal riding preferences. You may find a new scooter for sale that looks perfect on the exterior but just doesn’t feel right when you sit down. 许多 scooters are designed specifically for men, 女性, 和孩子, 它们的比例也是这样的. 类似于自行车, picking a scooter that fits just right is the first step towards feeling confident on the road.

You’ll also want to consider your riding style and preference. 许多 出售滑板车 有多种款式可供选择. From automatic rides to twist and go features, test riding a variety of options is a good idea before making your purchase.

#2. 采取正确的骑姿.

One of the first things you’ll learn as a new scooter rider involves how to sit and balance while on the scooter. 作为第一次骑行者, it can be a little intimidating to figure out the techniques for balancing, 转弯, 切换车道. These are highly involved maneuvers, and one wrong move could be disastrous. 然而, this scooter safety skill is required to get you where you’re going effectively, so it’s best to practice your balance techniques in a safe zone.

Proper riding position is generally dictated by the position of your elbows. Your forearms should remain parallel to the ground while your biceps sit at a ninety-degree angle. You should also pay close attention to your feet and legs. 当你在学习平衡的时候, it can be tempting to use your feet to stabilize, 但这是个坏主意. Keep your feet securely on the floorboards and tucked away from the road. With a little posture practice, you’ll feel comfortable in no time!

#3. 购买合适的设备.

这个安全提示怎么强调都不为过. Proper safety equipment is one of the best investments you’ll make when it comes to your new scooter. Some of the more obvious safety equipment includes a helmet, 高可见度服装, 合适的鞋子, 还有护目镜. 骑滑板车, you’re much more exposed than when riding in a car, 所以这些保护措施是关键. 许多 dealerships sell all the necessary equipment on-site, so there’s no excuse not to have these items on hand.

If you want to enhance your scooter safety skills even further, you can also upgrade the equipment on your bike. 投资买更好的车把之类的东西, 定制的座位, or reflective lighting lets you tailor your new scooter to your needs, enhancing your comfort and confidence on the road.

#4. 了解交通规则.

Operating a scooter comes with a specialized set of traffic laws. When you’ve found the perfect new scooter for sale, it’s not as easy as making the purchase and hitting the road. 类似于自行车, there are specific hand signals and rules you’ll need to memorize before you hit the streets. You’ll also need a special license to operate your scooter on the road. You can purchase the most recent driver’s guide to prepare for the exam, and keep it handy with you for any incidents that come up. 最后, making sure your new scooter is properly insured is a protective measure you won’t want to overlook!

#5. 熟能生巧.

一旦你检查了所有这些方框, it’s a good idea to work in a little practice before hitting the streets. Choosing a location that’s free of cars and other distractions is a great place to start. You’ll want to make sure you can master basic skills like braking, 转弯导航, 接合离合器, 换档.

These practice sessions are also a good time to get familiar with the various parts of your scooter. You should have a working knowledge of how all the parts interact so you can accurately diagnose and handle any issues that occur on the road. You should also practice what to do in emergencies like coping with uneven surfaces, 安全避免碰撞, 或者在光滑的道路上操纵. Lots of practice will ensure that you’re ready for whatever you encounter on the road.


如果你准备好了 浏览出售的滑板车 在你的地区,看看极速赛车彩票网站就知道了. 服务于罗利的主要地铁, 卡里, 教堂山分校, 达勒姆, 加纳, Knightdale, 牛津大学, 威克森林, 亨德森, 和Youngsville, 极速赛车彩票网站是北卡罗来纳州的第一名 二手赛车经销商. 他们有很多的选择 出售新的和旧的滑板车. 进去看看吧. You’re bound to find one that fits just right!